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Cookie Policy

Welcome to FlexiGas.

This website (“Our Site”) uses Cookies and similar technologies to distinguish you from other users. By using Cookies, we can provide you with a better experience and to improve Our Site by better understanding how you use it. Please read this Cookie Policy carefully and ensure that you understand it. Your acceptance of Our Cookie Policy is deemed to occur if you continue using Our Site. If you do not agree to Our Cookie Policy, please stop using Our Site immediately.

What Are Cookies

In accordance with standard procedure for most professional websites, this site utilizes cookies. Cookies are small files that are downloaded to your computer to enhance your browsing experience. This page will outline the information collected through these cookies, the purpose of their use, and the reasons for their storage. However, we will also provide information on how to prevent the storage of these cookies, though this may cause some parts of the site’s functionality to degrade or not work properly.

How We Use Cookies

We utilize cookies for various reasons as outlined below. Unfortunately, there are no universally accepted methods to disable cookies without completely disabling the features and functionality they bring to our website. We advise that you keep all cookies activated if you are unsure about their purpose as they may be necessary for providing services that you utilize.

Disabling Cookies

Preventing the setting of cookies is possible by adjusting the settings on your browser. Consult your browser’s Help section for instructions on how to do this. Our document were written with the assistance of the Cookie Policy Generator. Please note that disabling cookies will impact the functionality of this website as well as many others that you may visit. This can result in the disabling of certain features and functionality on this site. It is advised to not disable cookies for the best user experience.

The Cookies We Set

Cookies related to accounts

By creating an account with us, you agree that we will utilize cookies for the purpose of managing the registration process and overall administration. Typically, these cookies will be deleted once you log out, but in some instances, they may persist to remember your preferred settings when you are not logged in. o Ecommerce

This site is equipped with payment gateway options and certain cookies are necessary to retain your order information as you navigate through pages, enabling us to efficiently process it. o Site preferences cookies

In order to provide you with a great experience on this site we provide the functionality to set your preferences for how this site runs when you use it. In order to remember your preferences we need to set cookies so that this information can be called whenever you interact with a page is affected by your preferences.


This website provides newsletter or email subscription services and employs the use of cookies to recall your registration status and display relevant notifications that are specific to subscribed or unsubscribed users.

Login form

Cookies are used when you’re logged in to remember this, so you don’t have to log in repeatedly. The cookies are cleared or removed when you log out to secure restricted features and areas are only accessible while logged in. o Surveys

Occasionally, we conduct user surveys and questionnaires to give you valuable insights, useful resources, or to gain a clearer picture of our user community. These surveys may employ cookies to track who has participated in the survey or to deliver accurate results as you navigate between pages.


Submitting data through forms, like those on contact pages or comment forms, may result in the setting of cookies to retain your user information for future communication.

Third-Party Cookies

In certain instances, we utilize cookies supplied by trustworthy third parties. The section below outlines the third-party cookies that you may come across while using this website.

This site utilizes third-party analytics to monitor and evaluate usage, enabling us to create captivating content. These cookies may gather information such as your time spent on the site or the pages you visit, providing us with insights to enhance your overall experience on the site.

Occasionally, we experiment with new features and make slight modifications to the site’s presentation. During these testing phases, cookies may be employed to guarantee a consistent experience for users and to gather information on which optimizations are most favored.

Understanding the statistics of how many of our site visitors actually make a purchase is crucial for our business as we sell products. This is where these cookies come into play as they track this kind of data. This information benefits you as it enables us to make accurate business predictions and monitor our advertising and product costs to ensure we offer the best price possible.

In certain situations, we utilize cookies from trusted third-party sources. The next section outlines the third-party cookies that you may come across while using this website.

Our affiliates promote us by placing advertisements, and the affiliate tracking cookies help us determine if our customers have arrived at our site through one of these affiliates. This enables us to properly credit them, and in some cases, allows our affiliate partners to offer you bonuses for making a purchase.

On this site, we utilize social media buttons and plugins that enable you to connect with your social media account in different ways. For these to function correctly, cookies will be set through our site that may be utilized to improve your profile on the social media site or contribute to the information they hold for various reasons outlined in their individual privacy policies.

To sustain the operations of this website and support its future growth, we rely on advertising. Our website employs behavioral advertising cookies that anonymously monitor your preferences to present you with the most relevant ads possible. This allows us to deliver advertisements that match your interests.

The advertising service we utilize, Google AdSense, employs a DoubleClick cookie to deliver more relevant advertisements across the internet and to restrict the frequency at which a specific advertisement is displayed to you.

For more information about Google AdSense, please see their policy FAQ.

Our website utilizes Google Analytics, a highly reputable and widely used analytics tool on the internet, to gain insight into your usage of the site and ways to enhance your experience. The cookies used by Google Analytics may keep track of the duration of your visit and the pages you browse, allowing us to continually create content that is engaging for you.

Refer to the official Google Analytics page for additional information regarding Google Analytics cookies.

We hope this explanation has cleared things up for you. As mentioned before, if you are uncertain about whether a cookie is necessary, it is generally safer to keep cookies enabled in case it affects any features you use on our site.

More Information

Hopefully, that has clarified things for you, and as was previously mentioned if there is something that you aren’t sure whether you need or not it’s usually safer to leave cookies enabled in case it does interact with one of the features you use on our site. However, if you are still looking for more information then you can contact us at

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